Why is a sore lower back and the back to the side – delivery pain in the lower

Pain in sides and lower back – a common occurrence, they can have dozens of causes, from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which ends in a disturbance of abdominal organs and urinary tract.

To accurately diagnose pathology, which causes discomfort in the back near the shoulder blades, you need to define the type and characteristics of the discomfort. Which means, a pain that is felt at the same time on both sides of the lower back and flanks, or could, for example, that it constitutes a serious danger to the health?

The causes for the pathology

Pain that is felt at the same time, on the side, which is at the level of the lower back and in several places in medicine, it's called reflect – a mechanism for its development is the stimulation of more nerve branches.

For this reason, pain in the lower that radiates to other places, and in some cases shows that the symptoms are so vague and fuzzy that even the patient himself cannot pinpoint their source.


In the projection of the lower back and sides, which are different in the lower part of the lumbar spine, the kidneys, abdominal organs, reproductive organs in women, so an accurate diagnosis of the pain in the sides and lower back, should consult with the doctor.

Pain in the lower back and sides can occur in healthy people due to hypothermia or excessive exercise, but in this case, are temporary and disappear after rest.


The nature of the pain syndrome play an important role in determining its causes – each of the anomalies that have clinical features that must be taken into account in the diagnosis.

  • A sharp pain characteristic of conditions that require urgent treatment to the doctor, and sometimes immediate medical attention. This means that the serious pathological processes in the internal organs or structures of the spine – one of them can be attributed to liver and kidney colic, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and reproductive system in the acute stage of a herniated disc, neuralgia.
  • The discomfort occurs in chronic diseases, which are often in diseases of the spine osteochondrosis, protrusion, scoliosis, etc, especially if it occurs after a long stay in one position or physical exertion.
  • Drawing pain syndrome is a common symptom of diseases of the reproductive and urinary system in females and of liver disease.
  • Moreover, it is often observed in pregnant women in the second and third trimester because of the pressure of the growing fetus.
  • The dull pain can indicate inflammatory or infectious processes in the gallbladder and kidneys, sometimes on the diseases of lumbar and sacral spine.
  • A sharp pain attacks occur with sciatica, protrusion and herniated discs, and renal and liver colic, cramps in the gut and other organs.
  • The discomfort that is felt continuously, it is often evidence of anti-inflammatory and infectious diseases of the bladder, kidneys and reproductive system, can also be felt during pregnancy.
  • Shingles pain syndrome, is a symptom of pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, gynecological diseases: severe pain in such cases shows, the acute course of the disease, is weak – chronic form.

The character of pain is a subjective term so, to determine the cause of the disease, only on this indicator it is impossible to–, consideration must be given additional symptoms and other factors.

Why run to the right and the left side of the

Diseases of the spine

Degenerative processes, trauma and other diseases of the vertebrae, the intervertebral discs or surrounding structures (nerves, muscles) is a common causes unpleasant feelings, and on the sides.

Often in this case you suffer from lumbar or sacral part of the spine, rarely the pain may go lower due to the injury of the chest.

The shift of the vertebral disk

Spondylolisthesis is displacement of a vertebral body in relation to another with the axis of the spine. In people, this condition is often called the "intervertebral disc displacement", but this text is wrong, because it can only move the vertebrae.

The pathology develops from a variety of reasons (injury, age changes, improper load, etc) and causes irritation of the nerve fibres or pinching, which causes swelling, inflammation or acute pain in the back.


Degenerative changes in the spine, or degenerative disc disease, most commonly observed in older people.

Due to the impact of negative factors, the processes of nutrition of the cartilage of the spine are disrupted, causing them to lose their elasticity and ability to regenerate.


The main symptoms of low back pain – limited mobility of the spine and a burning, aching or throbbing pain in the back, including the lower back and sides.

If symptoms persist, be sure to use the visit to the doctor.

Fractures of the vertebrae

A fracture of the vertebrae is a serious injury of the musculoskeletal system, which requires long-term and complex treatment. Violation of the integrity of bone tissue caused by external impact (strong impact, drop, etc) and is manifested primarily by pain, syndrome.

Its features depend on extent and localization of damage, but most frequently pain syndrome is intense, the surrounding nature, accompanied by neurological disorders – disturbances of sensation in the limbs, headaches, etc ..


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, which causes the asymmetry of shape and disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs.

In the early stages of the disease, which is manifested by discomfort and pain in various parts of the back (in the case of injuries of the lumbar located in the hips and waist), increased fatigue, and limited mobility of the spine while running on the pathological process, possible problems with urination and defecation.

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis (Bechterew disease) is a relatively rare pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which affects the inter-vertebral joints, shoulder and hip joints.

Symptoms include pain in the back and the sides, which are aggravated by muscle tension and weather changes, scoliosis, paresis and paralysis. The disease is incurable, progressing slowly but steadily and usually leads to disability.

Coccygeal hernia

Coccygeal hernia occurs less frequently than herniation in other parts of the spine, as the vertebrae of the lumbosacral stronger and more durable.

Develops due to a combination of factors, including degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, infections and inflammation of internal organs, injury.

In this hernia the patient feels severe pain in the area of the coccyx and the lower back that radiates to the flanks and perineum, worse in the seated position and can not be removed analgesics.

it hurts

From this herniation more often affects women, as the most common precipitating factor of the disease are difficult work.

Diseases of the internal organs

Fight the sensations in the lower back and sides, which are at the diseases of internal organs, it is called secondary. Unlike the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, not related to movements or change of position of the body, and accompanied by disturbances of other systems of the body.

Diseases of the urinary system

Diseases of the urinary tract, which can cause pain in the sides, which include inflammatory and infectious processes in the bladder, urinary tract, formation of stones, a blockage of your ureters.

Depending on the clinical course of the disease, the discomfort may be sharp, are of different intensity, and often accompanied by disorders of urination, increased body temperature, General weakness.

Kidney disease

Especially pain in the side disease of the kidney lies in the fact that they are a little above the waist, often have a neighborhood character, and shall be given in the abdomen, the belly, in the groin. Some of the diseases of kidney (polycystic, malignant tumors, pyelonephritis) are developing slowly, therefore they are accompanied by not strong discomfort, and kidney pain and blockage of the ureter the pain is so intense that sometimes causes painful shock.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis – a serious disease characterized by death of tissues in the body and replace them fibrotic fibres and often leads to death. Pathological process, which may indicate pain in the lumbar region, which may be in the area around the character, but most often localized on the right side, bitter taste in the mouth (which is evident in the morning), recurrent disorders of defecation and weight loss.

The pathology in the intestine

Disorders of the intestine, gallbladder, pancreas, and other organs of digestion manifest themselves through the discomfort of the stupid character in the abdomen, lower back and flanks, but in acute disease can be acute and sharp pain.

As a rule, are clearly associated with food intake (occurring on an empty stomach, after a meal or eating certain foods) and along with bloating, increased gas.

Especially in women

In women, pain in the walls are more frequent than in men owing to anatomical peculiarities of the female body. In the abdomen of the females is situated the reproductive organs, which often cause pain in the pelvic region and genital infections and inflammation, they develop more often than men.

For women disease

The pain in my side it is not uncommon for women during hormonal changes, congenital disorders (for example, deformation or bending of the uterus).

Other causes regular pain, sexual infections, myoma, adnexitis, endometriosis and other inflammatory processes.

Additional symptoms of the above diseases – menstrual disorders, infertility, impairment of General health.


Many women have pain in the walls of the physiological norm during menstruation – in this case, the pain is in nature, it can be easily removed by antispasmodics such admission and not accompanied by additional symptoms.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy discomfort in my sides and lower back usually occurs after the first trimester, when the growing fetus puts pressure on the spine and internal organs.

In the first weeks of pregnancy this symptom may be a sign of hormonal changes in the body, weakening of the ligaments and muscles, but also in the beginning of the raft – in this case the pains are intense, accompanied by bleeding or a bloody vaginal discharge from the vagina, weakness and impairment of the General condition.

After the birth

Pain in the lower part of the abdomen, flanks and lower back, I feel all women without exception – are a part of the recovery processes of the reproductive system. Immediately after giving birth can be very strong, but after a few days gradually disappear, and two to four weeks to completely gone.

Especially in men

Men causes a pulling pain that radiates to the flanks, abdomen, back and legs, usually prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis and, less frequently, cystitis and other illnesses of the bladder. Among other manifestations it is possible to note difficult urination, sexual dysfunction and impotence, diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, there is a purulent discharge from the urethra.

In genital infections in men treatment it is necessary to pass both partners, even in cases when symptoms in women are absent.

Methods of treatment

Heal yourself with frequent pain in the walls is strongly not recommended, especially if accompanied by additional events – any event that can lubricate the picture of the disease, complicate the diagnosis, or aggravate the patient's condition.

Physical therapy

Physiotherapy is one way to eliminate discomfort at disease of the musculoskeletal and menstrual pain. Exercises should be performed gently, without burdening the muscles too much, avoiding sudden movements and the strengthening of the pain.

During pregnancy and gynecological diseases a good effect is given breathing exercises and yoga, but before employment it is necessary to consult a doctor and take into account existing contraindications. It could also be a gentle massage – a circular motion, or simply take a walk in the fresh air.

Physical therapy

Physiotherapeutic methods are used only after the acute phase, accompanied by an intense anti-inflammatory and infectious process, with fever and other symptoms, remains in the background.

As the medical procedures, the patient is recommended to electrophoresis with various drugs (painkillers, improves nutrition and regeneration of tissues), UHF, magnetic therapy, electrical stimulation, mud, paraffin and ozocerite applications. A special method of exposure and the duration of treatment determines the physician depending on the clinical course of the disease and the General condition of the patient.

Pain in the lower back and sides can have different intensity and nature, but in most cases, they are an alarming symptom that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment.